My Dream Job : Game Tester.

Game Tester

My dream job is to be a game tester in the Big Company. Because I love to play  computer game for a long time . It make me  happy. I really enjoy it when play with friends or play with another person. I like to play DOTA2 Counter strike and Assassin creed.
The primary function of game tester is the discovery and documentation of some mistake in game. The game tester is not only play video game. They must review the video game and create some of path of video game by use computer program. It is not easy. For example they play the video game, they find  error code,  and they write critic and plan to create the new video game. Sometime they must fix the problem by them self or call game developer to fix it
In the US Game tester earn the salary by experience level. If you have experience lass then 3  years. You will earn about 40,000 dollar and if you have experience  more than 6 year. You will earn about 60,000 dollar
In present the video game is popular around the world. Some people think video game is useless but I think video game is useful if you don’t play it too much.

Noppagorn Panpa
