A global conservation project.

Grey Water

                Everyone known that water is never run out of the world but the water that we used have limited. When we use more water that make the waste water more too.                 
                 The waste water called “Grey water”, the type of water which use regularly in
every day such as take a shower and washing. When you use the washing machine let a lot of grey water we can set up a pipe to garden for watering trees.                 
                 If your home don’t have any garden or trees you can set up the pipe to waste water treatment. You should design water system that don’t use the water pump so use a 
gravity principle to carry the water from high to low.               

                 Finally, you should realize how important of the water resource for the future and the next generation of human and for save the world.

“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water” 
W.H. Auden

Wachirawit  Onchet 6010405432
Noppagorn  Panepa 6010405335 
